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Pregnancy outcome in women involved in road traffic accidents in Sokoto
Method: A retrospective analysis of pregnant mothers admitted at Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto, Nigeria because of road traffic accidents between January 1998 and December, 2002, was undertaken to determine the incidence, type of injury and pregnancy outcome.
Results: One hundred and forty nine women admitted because of major injuries sustained after road traffic accidents. Twelve (8%) of these women were pregnant at the time of the accident. Gestational age ranged from 16 to 38 weeks. Fall from commercial motorcycles was the most common accident with deep lacerations and long bone fractures. Obstetric complication included abruptio placentae and premature uterine contractions. There was normal delivery in 9 patients, 2 stillbirths and one moth with head injury died undelivered.
Conclusion: Early consult with appropriate obstetric intervention was associated with good foetal and maternal outcome. The emergency duty doctor should always think of the possibility of a co-existing pregnancy whenever managing any woman within the reproductive age group involved in RTAs.