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Mortality In Childhood Tuberculosis In Benin City, Nigeria – Analysis Of 23 Cases

O Oviawe


Two hundred and nine consecutive cases of childhood tuberculosis seen at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City between January 1993 and December 1997 were retrospectively analysed with a view to documenting trend in tuberculosis related deaths, their epidemiology and predictors of mortality. The case fatality rate was 11.0% and more males than females were involved. Mean duration of symptoms among the deceased (8.3+1.7 weeks) was markedly different from that of survivors (22.8+6.0 weeks) (p>0.05).

Features that occurred significantly more among the deceased included persisting fever, respiratory difficulty, hepatomegaly, pallor, digital clubbing, pedal oedema, ascitis, marked wasting and altered sensorium. Similarly, children with disseminated Tb, miliary Tb and tuberculous meningitis were more likely to die. These features were complications of Tb and represent effects of chronicity. The realisation of such factors may improve case management of Tb if adequately addressed.

Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine Vol.9, No.3 (1999) pp. 205-208

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eISSN: 0189-2657
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