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Imaging The Complications Of Paget's Disease Of Bones In A Nigerian Woman

GOG Awosanya
D. A. Oke
S. O. Giwa


To illustrate the plain radiographic and CT features of paget's disease and enumerate the complications in a 72 year old woman A W who presented with deafness intermitent headache, increasing head size and progressive tiredness on mild exertion. The skull and chest radiographs, CT scan and echocardiography with their findings are highlighted so as to increase awareness and index of suspicion in physicians to this relatively rare bone disease. Classical features were illustrated on plain skull radiograph and CT Scan. Echocardiography revealed left ventricular hypertrophy and paradoxical septal motion suggestive of pulmonary hypertension.

Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine Vol.9, No.3 (1999) pp. 247-249

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eISSN: 0189-2657
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