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On the Image Watermarking Techniques Applications, Properties and fields

MS Bouhlel
H Trichili
N Derbel
L Kamoun


Résumé: L'expansion du world wide web et le volume sans cesse croissant de l'information digital (document, images, vidéos) mise à disposition du grand public, posent aujourd'hui un problème crucial qui n'est autre que celui du copyright .

Dans ce sens nous assistons au développement de techniques représentants tout un nouveau domaine : le Watermarking .

Cet article présente un état de l'art des techniques de watermarking ainsi q'un aperçu de domaines ou ces techniques sont applicables.

Mot clés: Watermarting/ FFT/ DCT/DWT.

On the Image Watermarking Techniques Applications, Properties and fields

Abstract:With the coming and the expansion of the World Wide Web an increased amount of digital information, such as documents, images audio and video data become available to a large number of people. Since the digital network is often used to offer digital media for profit, there is a strong need for copyright protection and a considerable interest in methods for inserting in a multimedia document a visible, or preferably invisible, mark to identify the owner. In this work, we present this new field with more details. An overview of watermarking properties, and a peer evaluation of different embedding domains is done in this work. Besides copyright protection, watermarking can serve to other applications. A survey of them and their respective requirements is also done.

Key words: Watermarking/ FFT/ DCT/ DWT.

Revue d'Information Scientifique & Technique Vol.12(2) 2002: 39-46

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1111-0015