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Ubunkondlo ezihlabelelweni zamaNazaretha

Melusi Ernest Msomi


Leli phepha lihlaziya ubunkondlo obutholakala ezihlabelelweni zamaNazaretha. Izihlabelelo zebandla lamaNazaretha zinabo bonke ubunkondlo obutholakala ezinkondlweni, zinalobu bunkondlo: izitanza noma amabinza, indikimba, ifanamsindonkamisa, ifanamsindongwaqa, umgqumo njll. Kuzophinda kuhlaziywe izindikimba ezahlukene ezitholakala ezihlabelelweni ngoba lezi zihlabelelo zisetshenziswa ngemikhosi eyahlukene. Leli phepha lizophinde lihlaziye emvelaphi yezinye zezihlabelelo. Lolu cwaningo luzosiza abantu ikakhulukazi amaNazaretha ukuthi azi ukubaluleka kwezihlabelelo kanye nokuqukethwe yizo izihlabelelo. Insizakuhlaziywa esetshenziswe kulolu cwaningo ibizwa ngokuthi iHermeneuic data analysis. Le nsiza kuhlaziwa ibuka ubuciko obuholakala emibhalweni. Nengoba kulolu cwaningo kubhekwa ubunkondlo obutholakala ezihlabelelweni, iyahambisana ngoba phela ubunkondlo bungubuciko. Kuphinde kwasetshenziswa insizakuhlaziya ebizwa nge content data analysis. Le nsizakuhlaziya igxile kakhulu ekufaneni kolwazi olutholakele ngokwezindikimba zalo. Le nsizakuhlaziya ihlela ulwazi ngokufana kwezinto ezishiwo yilabo ababambe iqhaza ocwaningweni. Le nsizakuhlaziya isiza ekutheni umcwazingi akwazi ukunciphisa noma afingqe lokhu akutholile ngaphambi kokuba ephethe ucwaningo. Kuyenzeka ukuthi abantu ababe yingxenye yocwaningo besho izinto eziningi ezahlukene, kodwa kukhona labo abasho izinto ezifanayo. Esimeni esinjalo lolu hlobo lwensizakuhlaziya luyasiza ekuthatheni lolu lwazi olufanayo ukuze umcwaningi asebenzise lona ocwaningweni. Okutholakele kulolu cwaningo ngukuthi abantu abangamaNazaretha abazi ukuhi ezinye zezihlabelelo zisho ukuhini. Lolu cwaningo luzobasiza ukutheni bazi ngezindikimba ezahlukene eziqukethwe yizihlabelelo.

English Title: Poetic elements in Nazareth hymns

English Abstract

This article examines the poetic elements in Nazareth hymns. The hymns of the Nazareth Baptist church have all the poetic elements of traditional poems and one cannot distinguish between traditional poems and Nazareth hymns because their features are the same. Nazareth hymns have the following poetic features: stanzas, theme, assonance, alliteration and rhythm. All these features make traditional poems and Nazareth hymns the same. This article will also analyse the different themes that are found in the Nazareth hymns because these hymns are used on different occasions and the same applies to poems. Some poems can be used to portray love, and others to lament if someone has passed away. This article also explains the origins of some of the Nazareth hymns and the meaning of those hymns. This study is very important because it will help the young Nazareth members understand the meaning of their hymns. Hermeneutics and thematic theory have been used as theoretical perspectives to analyse data. Hermeneutics is a classical discipline concerned with the art of understanding texts. One of the primary recommendations of this article is that this study should be continued so that Nazareth church members will know more about themes and the meaning of their hymns.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2305-1159
print ISSN: 0257-2117