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Growth performance, carcass traits and cost benefits of feeding weaner rabbits with leafy multinutrient miniblock

O.P.A. Idowu
L.T. Egbeyale
A.T. Amos
E.A. Adeyeye
O.M.O. Idowu
M.O. Ozoje
O.M. Sogunle


Study on the formulation and production of leafy multi-nutrient blocks ((control, MNB1, MNB 2 and MNB 3) for feeding rabbits using Pawpaw and Tridax leaves at ratios 0:0, 1:1, 3:2, 7:3 was conducted. Ninety-six, 7-week-old weaner rabbits with average body weight of 406.67+ 0.01 g were divided into four treatments. Treatments were replicated twelve times. Experimental treatments were arranged in a Complete Randomized Design (CRD) and the feeding trial lasted 10 weeks. Result revealed that final live weight, weight gains, feed intake and feed conversion ratio were significantly influenced by the dietary treatments.The lowest feed conversion ratio (4.79) was observed in the group fed MNB 3. Significantly (P<0.05) highest carcass dress weight percentage was observed among the rabbits fed MNB 3. Diets significantly influenced legs, loin, thigh and gastrointestinal weights with MNB3 rabbits having the highest values except the GIT. The cost benefits revealed that N661.02 were incurred on MNB3 and N1344 on control. Furthermore N149.21 and N309.55 were the costs saved on MNB1 and MNB2 respectively as against control (N682.98) which is higher than MNB1 and MNB2 mini block. Feeding MNB formulation favoured rabbits fed MNB 3. It was evident in this study that inclusion of pawpaw and tridax leaves at ratio 7:3 in MNB diets encouraged better performance and carcass yield in rabbits.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1119-4308