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Population performance of F3 progenies obtained from interspecific 1 crosses between the wild and cultivated tomatoes

MI Uguru
OI Aduba


Large populations of four F3 families namely: Wild x Roma, Wild x Local, Wild x Tropical were evaluated for growth, yield and yield components under rained conditions of the derived savannah ecology of Nigeria. The results showed that the progenies did not cultivate tomatoes, Local x Tropical was taller than the progenies with the wild parentage. The reverse was however, the case with respect to the number of branches, trusses and fruits per plant as the offsprings with the wild parentage performed better than the hybrids obtained from the two cultivated tomatoes. The existence of transgressive segregants in all the families is a positive indication that selection would be effective in the improvement of the metric traits.

Bio-Research Vol. 3(1) 2005: 1-8

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2705-3822
print ISSN: 1596-7409