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A Comparative Study of The Economic Performance of Farmers Under Large Scale and Motorized Pump Irrigation Systems in Katsina State of Nigeria

T Alimi


This study determined the better irrigation method between large scale and motorised pump to recommend to farmers in Katsina state of Nigeria. The target populations were Farmers Under Large Scale (FULS) and Farmers Using Motorised
Pumps (FUMP) and were compared along their socio-economic characteristics, farm sizes, crop yields, costs and revenues of farming. The data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics; budgetary and regression techniques. Results indicated that the FUMP were older, had larger family size and less literate. The FULS had better access to inputs
through government assistance, operated larger farm size and obtained larger mean yield. The higher output obtained by FULS was significant. Crop farming under the two systems was profitable but more profitable under FULS. As such, based on the present prevailing conditions, FULS would be recommended. In order to increase revenue (output) in irrigated
farming, young individuals should be attracted, literacy encouraged and levels of fertilizers and loans increased. However, results indicated that FUMP were poorer in the socio-economic characteristics that influence output which, if improved, could make FUMP comparable to FULS

Keywords: Irrigation, large scale, motorized pump, profitability, significance

Discovery and Innovation Vol. 19 (4) 2007: pp. 244-253

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1015-079X
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