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A Brodie's abscess of femoral neck mimicking Osteoid osteoma: Diagnostic approach and management strategy

Pranshu Agrawal
Anshul Sobti


BACKGROUND: Brodie's abscess usually presents as a diagnostic dilemma resulting in a diagnostic delay. It mimics various benign and malignant conditions both clinically and radiologically.
CASE DETAILS: This report describes a case of a 14 year old boy who presented with a clinical and  radiological picture of osteoid osteoma of proximal femur but found to have a brodie's abscess on histology and culture.
CONCLUSION: It describes the clinical spectrum of subacute osteomyelitis, its unusual MRI features and the importance of obtaining a histological diagnosis before definitive treatment.

KEYWORDS: Brodie's abscess; osteoid osteoma; bone tumour mimickers

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2413-7170
print ISSN: 1029-1857
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