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Prevalence and antibiogram of Escherichia coli O157 isolated from bovine in Jimma, Ethiopia: abattoirbased survey

Aklilu Feleke Haile
Daniel Kebede
Ashenafi Kiros Wubshet


E. coli O157 is an important serotype that caused many food borne outbreaks worldwide in the past decades. This study was carried out to estimate the prevalence and determine the antimicrobial susceptibility of E. coli O157 isolated from bovine carcasses and cecal contents at one abattoir in Jimma. A total of 300 samples from bovine carcass swabs(n=150) and cecal contents(n=150) were examined to identify E. coli O157 by ISO 17604:2005 method and by using Dry spot E. coli O157 latex test kit. Susceptibility to panels of 9 antimicrobial agents for all 25 E. coli O157 isolates was examined The overall prevalence of E. coli O157 from bovine carcass swabs and cecal contents were 9.3% and 7.3%, respectively. All E. coli O157 isolates were susceptible to chloramphenicol, ceftriaxone, sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, tetracycline and 96% of the isolates were susceptible to amoxacillin-clavulanic acid. Twenty-eight, 24% and 20% of the isolates were resistant to amikacin, streptomycin and cephalothin respectively. In conclusion, considerable proportions of bovine carcasses and cecal contents in the current study harbored drug resistant E. coli O157 and pose a significant public health risk. Attention must be given during post mortem examination and evisceration to avoid contamination of carcasses.

Keywords: Abattoir; Antimicrobial susceptibility; Carcass; Cecal content; E. coli O157; Jimma; Prevalence

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2221-5034
print ISSN: 1683-6324