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Accuracy assessments of Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) and High Resolution Satellite Image (HRSI) for cadastral surveying

H Tata


Improvements in satellite technology have facilitated capturing of geometrically precise images of the earth’s surface combined with DGPS technology for cadastral purpose. The study assess the use of Global Positioning System (DGPS) and High-Resolution Satellite Image for cadastral surveying. A 0.5 m (QuickBird Image) and Sokkia Differential Global Positioning System was used for the observation of control points and parcel delineation in static mode. Results showed differences in coordinates with a standard deviation of 0.18 m in Easting and 0.10 m in Northing respectively. Perimeter comparison result which shows a standard deviation value for DGPS as 5912.336 m2 and 5912.180 m2 for HRSI respectively, perimeter with a standard deviation value for DGPS as 163.121 m and 163.136 m for HRSI. Also, correlation coefficient analysis was carried out and the result obtained shows that the coordinate for both methods were correlated. It is worthy to conclude that the ground surveying method is still the most preferable method for cadastral surveying.

Keywords: Accuracy assessment, HRSI, DGPS, Cadastral Surveying

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1597-8826
print ISSN: 1597-8826
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