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Assessing the In-Service Needs of Basic School Natural Science Teachers in New Juaben Municipality across School Location

Ernest Ngman-Wara
Thomas Tachie Young
Sylvester Kosi Mawusi


This study sought to assess the in-service needs of natural science teachers in the New Juaben Municipality. Data for the study were collected from 234 primary school teachers using an adapted version of Science Teacher Inventory of Needs (STIN) scale.
The original instrument which comprised 72 items categorized into eight dimensions was modified to reflect the context of primary school teachers who teach natural science in Ghanaian basic schools. Sixty-one items fitted into the Ghanaian context. So the Ghanaian version of STIN consisted of 61 items distributed among eight dimensions. Descriptive statistics were used to organize the data into frequency counts and percentages while chi square statistic was used to establish any association between the independent variables and the dimensions. Results of the descriptive analysis indicated that the topmost in-service needs of the natural science teachers were the acquisition of knowledge and skills in science, generic pedagogical knowledge and skills and planning of science instruction. When measures of association were determined between the science teachers’ needs and the independent variable, it was found that no significant associations existed. It was recommended among other things that in-service training courses be used as platforms in upgrading the teachers’ knowledge and skills. Additionally, in-service course organizers should first assess the in-service needs of participants before providing the appropriate support services.

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print ISSN: 2026-6081
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