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Education for Employment in Nigeria in the 21st Century: Some Perspectives for Success Story

Obaze Osumah
Oyaziwo Aluede
Afe Arewah


Education for employment has been on the front burner of most public and educational discourse in recent times. In April 2000, educational stakeholders from the world over gathered at the World Education Forum in Dakar, Senegal and adopted the Dakar
framework for Action. These stakeholders reaffirmed the vision of the World Declaration on Education For All (EEA) adopted ten (10) years earlier and committed themselves to the attainment of six EFA goals to meet the basic learning needs of all children, youth and adults by 2015. This paper examined education for employment in Nigeria in the 21st Century. This paper therefore looked at the demand of workplace employment skills, learning skills, literacy skills and life skills. This paper concludes by advocating how to teach 21st Century employment skills, how to guarantee gainful employment, and education for gainful employment in the 21st Century . Some of these advocacies include: guaranteeing employment readiness; Understanding the particular stresses or challenges that one faces; and coping effectively with the stresses or challenges one faces, drawing on four sources of supports.

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print ISSN: 2026-6081
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