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Barriers to Successful Information Technology (IT) Utilization by Librarians in Academic Libraries in Ogun State, Nigeria

Esther Abosede Awojobi
Johnson Adetunji Adeyemi


This research evaluated barriers to the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) among librarians in academic libraries in Ogun State, Nigeria. One hundred and twenty one (121) structured questionnaires were administered in a total sampling technique among librarians in twelve institutions. The questionnaire grouped barriers into four: Expected consequences of use and affect towards use, Habits, Social Norms and Facilitating Conditions. Results showed that expected consequences of use, affect and habits were not barriers to the use of ICT by librarians in academic libraries in Ogun State. Social norms remained a barrier particularly among librarians in public institutions in the state. Power supply was the outstanding barrier among facilitating conditions. Other facilitating conditions have an almost equal pressure as barriers to use of ICT by librarians in academic libraries Ogun State. The study observed that increasing number of private universities has changed the landscape of ICT use positively.

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print ISSN: 2026-6081
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