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Field trial of aqueous and petroleum ether extracts of Monodora myristica (gaertn) dunal and Jatropha curcas l. for the control of okra flea beetles, Podagrica spp.

SO Emosairue
EI Uguru


Field experiment was conducted at the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, to evaluate the field performance of 5% aqueous and 5% petroleum ether extract of seeds of Monodora mysristica (Gaertn.) Dunal and Jatropha curcas L. for the control of flea beetle, Podagrica spp., on okra variety, NHAE 47-4. A synthetic pyrethoid, lamdacyhalothrin at 25g a.i/ha was incorporated in the study for comparison. The 5% petroleum ether extracts of the plant material and the lamdacyhalothrin significantly (P<0.05) increased pod yield of okra and were equally more effective in controlling Podagrica population than the aqueous extracts. The ranking of the effectiveness of the treatments in controlling Podagrica spp. and influencing the yield of okra was: lamdacyhalothrin > 5% MSPEE > 5% JSPEE > 5% MSAE > 5% JSAE > control. It was concluded that the plant extract showed good prospects for the control of Podagrica spp infestation on okra, especially the petroleum ether extracts. It is suggested that higher dosages, better formulations and closer spray regimes may enhance their effectiveness.

Journal of Applied Chemistry and Agricultural Research Vol. 6 1999: pp. 100-104

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1117-2894