The study seeks to establish the value attached to sheshoeshoe dress. Specifically, the study assesses the perceptions of college staff, students and dressmakers with regard to the importance, uses, changes in dress styles and fashionability of the dress within the Basotho culture. A survey research design was employed entailing a questionnaire and a structured interview with both closed and open-ended questions. These tools were used to obtain information from staff and students of the Lesotho College of Education and from dressmakers operating within the Maseru Central Business District. In terms of the importance of sheshoeshoe dress the study has shown that sheshoeshoe dress is extensively worn by young and adult females. More than 50% of respondents under 35 years old as well as those over 36 years had worn or possessed at least one sheshoeshoe dress. Irrespective of marital status, possession of sheshoeshoe dresses by respondents was similar. Thus the number of sheshoeshoe dresses owned is not influenced by age or marital status. Seshoeshoe is therefore an important clothing item in a Mosotho woman’s wardrobe.