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Conduite à tenir à propos d’une série de 15 abcès du foie au CHU-Campus de Lomé

O Bouglouga
A Bagny
LM Lawson-Ananissoh
MA Djibril
D Redah
A Agbetra


Purposes: Describe the epidemiological, clinical, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects of the hepatic abscesses.
Patients and methods: Descriptive study, retrospective of 15 files of hepatic abscesses seen in the teaching hospital Campus of Lome of 1er January, 1999 has in December 31st, 2010.
Results: Cosmopolitan affection the hospitable frequency of which is 1.63 and in the privilege of the young adults (46.66%) and low socioeconomic coats. The abdominal pain with gravity of the right hypochondria was the dominant symptom (66.66%). The general state was distorted in 93.33% of the cases, followed by a fever in 53, and 33%. The hepatomegaly was present in 86.66% of the cases. The abdominal echography allowed to evoke the diagnostic at all the patients. The treatment was medical, based on the metronidazol (100%), associated several times with short-term antibiotics. Only two patients benefited from a laparotomy for syndrome of peritoneal irritation for break of abscess. The noted complications were a right pleurisy in a case, peritonitis by break of abscess in two cases. The average deadline of hospitalization was of 16.2 days.
Conclusion: The amoebic abscess of the liver seems rare in the teaching hospital Campus of Lome. The clinical appearances are suggestive and the treatment is essentially medical. Prevention through compliance with measures of individual and collective hygiene

Keywords: Abscess, amoeba, live, Togo

J. Rech. Sci. Univ. Lomé (Togo), 2012, Série D, 14(1) : 41-44

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2413-354X
print ISSN: 1727-8651