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Immunogenic Properties of Ricinus Communis Var Minor Seed on Female Albino Rabbits

CO Shindang
J Shindang
IB Enweani


The immunogenic properties of Ricinus communis var minor seed was determined after feeding 7 healthy virgin albino white rabbits with varying doses of 0.5g – 0.9g dried ground Ricinus communis var minor seed included in their feed (5g/100g body weight). Booster doses of the same weight were further administered after 14 days. Changes in the physiological and psychological baseline parameters were noted. There was a drop in the average baseline Packed Cell Volume (PCV) from 34.8% to 26.3%, and an increase in the White Blood cell Count (WBC) count and lymphocytosis in the differential count. Antibody response was shown by increased precipitation reaction against R. communis extract which served as antigen. Furthermore, the rabbits were restless after the administration of booster dose resulting in the death of 3 of the rabbits. In addition, there was loss of weight from 1.39kg to 1.25kg within 14 days of sensitization dose. This study showed that R. communis var minor seed has immunogenic and contraceptive properties. Its use should be controlled.

Keywords: Ricinus communis var minor seed, immunogenic, female albino rabbits, contraceptive

Nig J. Biotech. Vol. 24 (2012) 7-12

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 0189-1731