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Occurrence and habits of the Gambaga Flycatcher Muscicapa gambagae in Kenya, including the first description of its song

James E. Bradley
Brian W. Finch


Historically, the Gambaga Flycatcher Muscicapa gambagae has been a relatively poorly known bird in Kenya. Following a review of all known records in Kenya, we show that breeding of presumed resident birds is known from three discreet areas, but that as many as 47% of all records, from the months of October to March, come from areas where breeding is not known. This finding indicates a migratory origin for these individuals, and the concurrent absence of northern, summer-breeding Gambaga Flycatchers from the mountainous regions of western Saudi Arabia, Yemen and northern Somalia point to that region as a likely origin of these winter visitors. Furthermore, records show that the frequency of occurrence of the Gambaga Flycatcher in Kenya is also increasing, with a rate of reporting since 2000 which is four times higher than during the period 1960–2000, likely representing a shift in range. Lastly, we also describe some habitat characteristics at preferred sites, and provide the first published sonograms and accompanying description of the song.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2313-1799
print ISSN: 0250-4162