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Parasites of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) (pisces: Clariidae) from the Mwanza gulf, Lake Victoria

C Mwita
G Nkwengulila


Seventeen species of parasites were recovered from 1071 Clarias gariepinus examined from the Mwanza Gulf of Lake Victoria. The parasite fauna comprised of four ectoparasites, a Monogenea, Hirudinea, crustacean and a Digenea; and fourteen endoparasites, five nematodes, five trematodes and three cestodes. Twelve parasite species were adults and five were larval forms. Ten were identified to species, six to genus and one to family level. Many species recorded are common to C. gariepinus, a few, e.g. Tylodelphys species is a first record in fish of Africa, thus represents a new host record. Spinitectus petterae is reported for the first time in Tanzania, as such represents a new geographical citing. The proteocephalid cestode is also a new record in this host in Tanzania.

Tanzania Journal of Science Vol.30(1) 2004: 53-62

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2507-7961
print ISSN: 0856-1761