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On the quinary homogeneous bi-quadratic equation x<sup>4</sup> + y<sup>4</sup> - (x + y)w<sup>3</sup> = 14<i><sub>z</sub></i>2<i>T</i> 2

M. A. Gopalan
S. Aarthy Thangam
O. Ozer


The purpose of this paper is to examine the non-zero distinct integral solutions of quinary biquadratic homogeneous diophantine equation x4 + y4 - (x + y)w3 = 14z2T2 in integers. In this paper, we present some different patterns of integral solutions to the above diophantine equation in five variables. Also, we obtain some properties as relations between solutions and special numbers.

Journal Identifiers

print ISSN: 1112-9867