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(Her-)stelwerk: skoolopstelle as voorbereiding vir akademiese geletterdheid op universiteitsvlak

L Olivier
J Olivier


This article explores the gap between schooland university writing in terms of creativewriting done at school level, as specified in the relevant policy documents and therequirements of academic literacy at university. This article also involves an empiricalstudy in which a questionnaire aimed at first year university students determinedthe extent of essay instruction at school. This was followed by an interview with asubject specialist for Afrikaans Home Language. It was found that despite the fact thatdepartmental policies require teachers to teach different types of essay writing they arenot taught effectively. It is clear that teachers may require training in terms of teachingdifferent types of essays and that the Department of Education should monitor andseparately assess modes of writing, such as expository and argumentative essays thatcould contribute to improving academic literacy.

Keywords: academic literacy, academic writing, essays, school writing, Afrikaans, homelanguage, national curriculum statement, curriculum assessment policy statements.

Article Text in Afrikaans

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2958-9320
print ISSN: 0259-9570