Sources of Support

The Libyan Centre for Solar Energy Research and Studies.

Subscription information

The journal is open access with no charges for article submission and processing. It is free of charge for authors and readers. Its content is freely available to researchers and academics to support the exchange of knowledge. There are no SUBSCRIPTION FEES.

Peer Review

Peer review is an essential process to maintain high standards of papers publication at JSESD. All manuscripts are subject to the evaluation according to the peer review procedure and cannot be published unless all the required corrections are met and the author’s guideline for publication is followed. The manuscript must comply with the journal’s scope and aim, it must be of acceptable quality, and it is written correctly to the peer-reviewing level. Publication process takes 3 months since paper submission. The peer review process takes 2 months followed by the editing process and other publishing issues of about a month.

JSESD use double-blinded Peer review process. All articles will be initially assessed by the editor-in-chief and editorial board for suitability to the journal. Suitable articles will be sent to three reviewers to evaluate the scientific content and quality of the article. Final decision of acceptance or rejection of the article is done by the editorial board. The decision is final and will be reported to the author. Manuscripts written by editors or any of their relatives or colleagues in which editors have an interest are subject to all the journal usual procedures of peer review and are handled by the relevant editor in the editorial board.

The cleared manuscripts are sent to at least three peer reviewers. They should follow the instructions requested by the editorial board, including points on how to prepare a reviewer report, and how to evaluate the technical quality of the manuscript (as instructed in the evaluation form). They must provide the editors with their recommendation to accept or reject the manuscript.

The reviewers’ comments are highly considered in the editorial final decision of the article. Their decision is considered as two out of three. Also, in case a reviewer did not respond in time, the editorial board will assign another reviewer. This could prolong the evaluation process. The reviewers are asked to perform their review and submit their reports within 3-4 weeks. The whole process should not exceed 2-3 months. Peer reviewers are selected according to their experience in the field from different nationality in order to widen the data base of the journal and maintain high quality standards of articles.

After the peer review process is finalized, the editors (editor in chief and associate editors) will give their final decision in the light of the referee recommendation and their own evaluation and judgment to either

  1. Accepted for Publication Without Revision
  2. Accepted for Publication with Revision
  3. Not Accepted for Publication.

Publication Scheduling

The journal is published biannually. Each volume contains 2-issues at June and December.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2414-6013
print ISSN: 2411-9636