
Publisher contact person: NASWZ                              

Phone: +263 778 165 490                                           

Fax:  +263 4 779000/1

Mailing address: National Association of Social Workers
Makombe Government Complex
Block 3, Room 83, Harare,

Sources of Support

Journal is supported by the sale of hardcopies and subscriptions.

Peer Review

At least 2 reviewers for each article submitted. Some papers require a 3rd reviewer at the discretion of the editor. Editor provides editorial review. Review often takes a month. Review is double blind. The editor makes the final decision at the recommendation of reviewers. Guidelines are attached. We also encourage reviewers to use AJOL guidelines. 

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.



Publisher contact person: NASWZ                          

Phone: +263 778 165 490                                           

Fax:  +263 4 779000/1

Mailing address: National Association of Social Workers
Makombe Government Complex
Block 3, Room 83, Harare,


Sources of Support

Journal is supported by the open access fees.

Peer Review

At least 2 reviewers for each article submitted. Some papers require a 3rd reviewer at the discretion of the editor. Editor provides editorial review. Review often takes a month. Review is double blind. The editor makes the final decision at the recommendation of reviewers. Guidelines are attached. We also encourage reviewers to use AJOL guidelines. 

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Peer Review Process

At least 2 reviewers for each article submitted. Some papers require a 3rd reviewer at the discretion of the editor. Editor provides editorial review. Review often takes a month. Review is double blind. The editor makes the final decision at the recommendation of reviewers. Guidelines are attached. We also encourage reviewers to use AJOL guidelines. 

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Dr Rugare Mugumbate

School of Health & Society, Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Wollongong | Senior Research Associate, Department of Social Work & Community Development, Faculty of Humanities, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Dr Edmos Mtetwa

Department of Social Work, University of Zimbabwe.

Associate Editors

Associate Professor Vincent Mabvurira, North-West University, South Africa.

Dr Getrude Dadirai Gwenzi, Associate Researcher, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.

Assistant Editors

Rudo Mukurazhizha, Midlands State University.

Cedric Edwin Bhala, Bindura University of Science Education.

Wilberforce Kurevakwesu, Women’s University in Africa.

Tatenda Nhapi, University of Johannesburg.


Professor Pius T. Tangwe (University of Fort Hare, South Africa). Email:

Professor Rodreck Mupedziswa (University of Botswana). Email:

Mr. Nigel Hall (former Editor) (Kingston University, United Kingdom). Email:

Mr. Jotham Dhemba (University of Swaziland). Email:

Dr. Chamunogwa Nyoni (Bindura University of Science Education, Zimbabwe). Email:

Dr. Moffat C. Tarusikirwa (Zimbabwe Open University). Email:

Dr. Leonorah T. Nyaruwata (Zimbabwe Open University). Email:


Purpose of Peer Review

Peer review ensures that journals publish high quality papers. The review provides an objective measure proving that research meets the standard required in academia. It provides a platform for experienced and highly qualified professionals to improve quality of researches.

Conflict of Interest

If you are related, befriended or working with an author of a paper you are asked to review then there is possible conflict of interest. Please inform the Editor so that he/she can make an informed decision.

Blind Review

The reviewer shall not reveal his/her identity to the author. It is important that reviewers are not revealed to other reviewers for the same paper they are reviewing. If the reviewer requires additional information, he/she should contact the editor.

Evaluation Criteria

Originality/Relevance-you are free to use plagiarism checkers although this may normally be done by the Editor. Is the paper relevant to the journal policy?

Structure-check if the article is well structured according to guidelines. References/citation-are they accurate and have all important ones been cited.

Methods-is there sufficient outline of relevant methods? Is there creativity? Are methods justifiable? Is there no bias?

Data presentation, discussion and analysis- Are findings clearly presented? Is there adequate discussion and analysis of findings?

New insights, conclusions and recommendations-does the article provides new insights helpful in improving society? Are conclusions clear and stemming from the findings? Are recommendations feasible?

Ethics-have they been adhered to? Are results not fraudulent?

General-is topic relevant, does it correspond to objectives up to conclusions? Is abstract adequate? Is data well presented, discussed?

Review Time

The Editor expects review to finalise within the shortest period of receiving the manuscript. Normally the Editor expects review feedback within seven (7) days. In the event that reviewers require more time, this should be communicated to the Editor.

Cost of Review

The review work is voluntary work.

Review Period

There is no term limit for reviewers

Work Load

Each reviewer may review 2 articles per publication. In rare circumstances, articles may be increased but shall not exceed 4. In such cases, review time shall be extended.

Review Process

Once a reviewer receives a manuscript, they shall immediately notify the Editor if they are capable and suitable of offering the review and should promptly proceed with the review. Once they are finished, they should email back their comments. The office shall notify the reviewer of the Editorial decision.

Improving Guidelines

Our reviewers are recommended to also refer to guidelines published by other publishers and indexing services and also provide the publisher with suggestions.


This document should be read in conjunction with AJSW Guidelines for Peer Reviewers and Guidelines for Authors.


Our perspective of ethics 

The philosophy and practice of Ubuntu (also known as Unhu, Botho, Ubuthosi, Bumuntu, Bomoto, Gimuntu, Umunthu, Vumuntu or Umuntu) undergirds our research ethics. Ubuntu is a philosophy that shapes interaction of human beings with others and with the environment. In the practice of Ubuntu, humanity towards others is prioritised. Thus, Ubuntu values the welfare of others, fairness and morality. In French, Ubuntu relates to humanité, in Arabic it relates to alrrawbut while in Portugeese it relates to humanóide.

This document highlights the AJSW’s commitment to research ethics and the journal’s response to malpractice for the board, editors, authors, reviewers and the publisher.

Our Journal

The name of the journal is only known by the name the African Journal of Social Work, abbreviated AJSW and has not been known by another name. Our refereed journal serves as a forum for exchanging ideas and knowledge and discussing issues relevant to social work practice, education and research in the African region.

Our Board

The AJSW has an international advisory board made up of people renowned in social work education, practice and research in Africa and globally. Current members of the board and their affiliations and contact details are displayed on the cover page of each of our issues and on the website with links to their web profiles. Most of our Board members are academics holding PhDs and Professorial positions in their institutions.

Our Publisher 

The AJSW is published by the National Association of Social Workers (Zimbabwe), a professional association of social workers in Zimbabwe. The NASW-Z does not influence but fosters independence of the work of editors, authors, reviewers or the board. Our publishing office address is National Association of Social Workers (Zimbabwe), Makombe Building Harare Street, Block 3 Room 83, Harare Zimbabwe.

Our authors

Our authors commit to publishing ethics and are constantly reminded of this requirement. Only authors who make a significant contribution are published as article contributors. All submissions are reviewed, and they receive the same attention. Authors disclose all conflict of interest, financial, relational or otherwise. Our submissions are checked for plagiarism. Authors declare that they have not submitted their manuscripts to other journals or their articles have not been published before.

The AJSW does not charge author or processing fees. Online articles are available free of charge. Print articles are sold and prevailing prices are displayed in each published issue. Our editors, reviewers, advisors and authors are not paid.

Our reviewers

Our reviewers are experts in the field of social work or related disciplines. Reviewers follow guidelines and they provide their service with integrity. They disclose conflict of interest including professional, financial or personal relationship with authors.  

Our Editors

Editors are experts in social work in Africa. They have a minimum of a PhD in Social Work or a closely related discipline. Our editors deal with misconduct in publishing, and refer gross instances of malpractice to the Board.

Our copyrights

The Publisher reserves copyrights to publish articles in print and online. The Publisher has rights to promote readership and authorship in the journal in media, including social media and conferences and to solicit articles in an unobtrusive manner. Authors have rights to use their published articles for non-commercial educational purposes such as depositing them into institutional repositories. For non-institutional and online repositories, authors have a right to provide a link from the journal website without necessarily uploading their articles on non-institutional repositories.  Our online publishing licence is Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (CC BY NC) International Licence which means that readers can copy and redistribute our material for non-commercial purposes under creative commons licence but should credit our authors.

Our view of malpractice

Malpractice may constitute any or more of the following:

  1. Data or research fraud (manipulation of data or reporting research that has not been done).
  2. Adding people who have not contributed significantly as co-authors.
  3. Plagiarism.
  4. Simultaneous submission.
  5. Undisclosed conflict of interest.
  6. Reviewer bias.
  7. No informed consent.
  8. Harm was done.
  9. Confidentiality and anonymity broken, where desired.
  10. Influencing the research process in any way the breaks research ethics.

We acknowledge the challenges African writers face in accessing review boards (e.g. it is at times costly and review board are not functional) and in accessing research funding but we emphatically deny that African research has to be inferior or be allowed to be done outside the perimeters of ethical practice or Ubuntu.

Our response to malpractice

We promote research ethics as a way to prevent malpractice. We will not publish articles considered to have failed to adhere to research ethics. Some of the actions we will take are as follows:

  1. Communication-informing authors/reviewers and discussing the issue at hand.
  2. Clarify-a decision could be taken to clarify circumstances.
  3. Corrections (erratum, addendum or corrigendum)-a decision could be taken to correct the paper.
  4. Retractions-a decision could be taken to retract the paper.
  5. Apologise-an apology could be offered.
  6. Inform-the funder, the institution, the participants, other journals or Ethics Review Board.

Authors who feel that our actions are not fair, are free to seek audience with the Editor first and to make an appeal to the Board if the issue has not been resolved at the initial level.

Our publications and archives

The Publisher maintains an archive for both online and print content, with print content kept in the library of the National Association of Social Workers (Zimbabwe) and a library of a selected University in Zimbabwe. While the AJSW may be hindered by resource availability, the publisher endeavours to have a Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe (LOCKSS) archiving policy.

Revised April 2020

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2409-5605
print ISSN: 1563-3934