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Preferred components for the construction of a new simulation model of growth, feed intake and nutrient requirements of growing pigs

NS Ferguson
RM Gous
GC Emmans


Components for a simulation model are described to predict feed intake, amino acid requirements and body composition changes over time on the basis of the inherent potential protein growth rate of pigs varying in genotype. The potential protein growth rate of the animal is predicted each day based on its genotype and state, from which the potential growth rate of the other chemical components can be predicted and hence the nutrient requirements can be calculated. By considering the potential growth rate, the nutrient requirements, the nutrient supply (the composition of the feed) and the environment simultaneously, the constrained food intake can be predicted. If this is less than the desired food intake, the actual growth rate will be less than the potential gowth rate. In either case, the growth rate of each of the chemical components can be predicted for that day. This final state of the animal at the end of the day becomes the initial state on the next day, and the process is repeated.

'n Simulasiemodel word beskryf wat voerinname, aminosuurbehoeftes en veranderinge in liggaamsamestelling voorspel volgens die inherente potensiaal in protei'engroeitempo van varke wat varieer in genotipe. De potensiele proteiengroeitempo van die dier word daagliks voorspel, gebaseer op sy genotipe en status. Die potensiele groeitempo van die ander chemiese komponente kan hiervolgens voorspel word, en vervolgens kan voedingsbehoeftes bereken word. Deur die potensiele groeitempo, voedingsbehoeftes, voorsiening van voedingstowwe (samestelling van die voer) en omgewing gelykrydig in berekening te bring, kan die bcperkende voerinname voorspel word. As dit laer as die verlangde voerinname is, sal werklike groeitempo minder as potensiele groeitempo wees. In beide gevalle kan groeitempo van elke chemiese komponent vir daardie dag voorspel word. Die finale status van die dier teen die einde van die dag word die aanvangstatus vir die volgende dag en die proses word herhaal.

Keywords: Growth, modelling, nutrition, pigs

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2221-4062
print ISSN: 0375-1589