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Extent of rural women involvement in agro-based entrepreneurial activities in Imo State Nigeria

Helen A Egwuonwu
Confidence A. Iwunwanne


The study assessed the extent of rural women involvement in agro-based entrepreneurial activities in Imo state, Nigeria. Data for the study were  collected using a structured questionnaire from 120 rural women through random sampling procedure. Data collected were analyzed using frequency, percentages, mean and regression analysis. Majority (73%) of the women were married with an average age and household size of  37years and 7 persons respectively. Approximately 53% had primary education with 52% belonging to cooperative society. Average farming experience and farm income were 8years and N35, 424.74 respectively. A reasonable proportion (60%) had access to credit facilities. Results showed
that the majority (53%) of the women were highly involved in agro-based entrepreneurial activities with crop production (95%), marketing (97%) and land preparation (87%) as the major agro-based entrepreneurial activities they were involved in. Women’s involvement in agro-based  entrepreneurial activities was found to be influenced by household size, membership in cooperative society and access to extension contact. The study further showed that inadequate capital (96.67%)), high cost of capital (93.33%) and inadequate skilled labour (91.67%) were major constraints to women’s involvement in agro-based entrepreneurial activities. This research therefore recommends that the women should be encouraged through enhanced access to loans and credit facilities. They should also be encouraged to belong to cooperatives and other societies which can access grants and loans as this would increase the extent of their involvement in agro-based entrepreneurial activities in the area.

Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Agro-based activities, rural women involvement

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1597-1074
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